小山 健太
東京経済大学コミュニケーション学部 准教授
東京経済大学グローバルDEI研究所 所長
一般社団法人グローバルタレントデベロップメント協議会 代表理事
現在の主な研究テーマは「異文化マネジメント研究とエンプロイー・ボイス研究の統合的検討 」(科研費基盤研究(C)採択)。人材育成学会奨励賞(研究部門)受賞、キャリアコンサルティング2級技能士(国家資格)、慶應義塾大学ビジネス・スクール ケースメソッド授業法研究普及室認定ケースメソッド・インストラクター、MBTI認定ユーザー(Japan-APT正会員)。人事関連専門メディア『WEB労政時報』『企業と人材』などに寄稿実績。大学院での指導教員は花田光世先生(現、慶應義塾大学名誉教授)。
Kenta Koyama is an Associate Professor at Tokyo Keizai University. He is also a Senior Researcher, Keio Research Institute at SFC. He got a Ph.D. in Media and Governance from Keio University in 2015. His supervisor was Professor (now Professor Emeritus) Mitsuyo Hanada at Keio University. He teaches several courses at Keio University and Sophia University as a part-time lecturer. He is the chairperson of Association for International Talent Development in Japanese Corporations.
Koyama's past professional jobs were Project Research Associate at the Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance, and Manager at Family House. Family House is a nonprofit organization providing accommodations as a part of total care for hospitalized children and their families far from their homes.
He is interested in exploring new perspectives on organizational psychology and creating a new HR model by integrating the traditional Japanese HR and Career Psychology. His research activities are often conducted in collaboration with Japanese companies and nonprofit organizations.
He received a research award (Shourei-shou) from Japanese Academy of Human Resource Development.
専門分野 (Fields of Interest)
学位・受賞・資格等 (Degree, Awards, and Certificates/Qualifications)
Job Experiences