学部科目 (Undergraduate Courses)
異文化マネジメント論 (Cross-Cultural Management), 2022-2023
演習(2年) (Seminar for Sophomore students) , 2015-present
演習(3・4年)(Seminar for Junior and Senior students) , 2015-present
卒業研究 (Seminar for Graduation Thesis) , 2015-present
大学院科目 (Graduate Courses)
個別研究指導(修士課程) (Seminar for Master's course students) , 2018-present
他大学での担当科目 (Courses at Other Universities)
COMMUNICATION, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, 2020-present
上智大学大学院グローバル・スタディーズ研究科「Managing Multinational Corporations」(英語開講)
MANAGING MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS, Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University, 2019-present
社会人対象講座 (Extension Course)
受賞 (Teaching Award)
過去の担当科目 (Past Courses)
社会調査法b (Social Survey B), 2015-2016
フレッシャーズ・セミナーb (Freshman Seminar B), 2015-2018
It is very important not only to learn a theory, but also to develop your own perspectives and to put your ideas into practice.
I expect all students to actively participate in classes, and look forward to many interesting discussions.